Izmērs - 38.
Dzija - Angora RAM - baltā 100g, dzeltenā 100g, brūnā 100g.
Darba apraksts
Vispirms noada gabaliņus. Sāk no centra. Tehnisko rakstu skatīt attēlā. Kad gatavs, valdziņus nenorauc, bet uzver uz pagaidu diega. Gabaliņus sašuj kopā ar ketelējamo dūrienu. Mani gabaliņi bija 5x5 cm, izvietojumu skatīt shēmā. Vienādi numurētie punkti jāsavieto kopā. Stūru savienojumu nesmukumus nomaskēju ar izšūtām puķītēm.
Small - Medium
Angora Ram - white 100g, Yellow 100g, brown 100g
Job description
Make the pieces at first. Every piece must be knitted in the round, beginning from the center. Colours can be changed from round to round.
Cast on 8 stiches.
1st round: k8
2nd round: (k1,yo,k1)* repeat 4 times
3rd round: (k1,yo,k1,yo,k1)* repeat 4 times
4th round: k20
5th round: (k1,k1,yo,k1,yo,k1,k1)* repeat 4 times
6th round: k28 … etc
12th round: purle all and make one extra stich in each corner
Do not bind off. Use a temporary yarn for fixing stiches.
Pieces are linked together using backstich seam. My pieces were 5×5 cm and were placed in a scheme figured in the picture above. The points with equal numbers must be put together (see the schema).
Finnish ends using backstich seam. Corners connections (if ugly) can be covered by embroidered flowers.
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